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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This website is the property of the Belgische kamer van Vertalers en Tolken vzw/Chambre belge des traducteurs et interprètes asbl, abbreviated as the BKVT vzw/CBTI asbl.
Registered office address: 10, bld de l’Empereur 1000 Bruxelles
Telephone: +32 (0)2 513 09 15
Enterprise number: BE 0407.664.274

By accessing and using this website you explicitly agree with the following general terms & conditions.

Intellectual property rights

The content of this website, including trademarks, logos, drawings, product or company names, texts, images and similar items have been protected with intellectual rights and are the property of the BKVT vzw/CBTI asbl or third-party right holders.

Limitation of liability

The information on this website is of a general nature. This information is not adapted to personal or specific circumstances and can therefore not be considered as personal, professional or legal advice to users of the website.

The BKVT vzw/CBTI asbl spares no effort to provide complete, accurate and up-to-date information. In spite of these efforts, inaccuracies may be found in the information provided. If the information provided contains inaccuracies or if some of the information provided is unavailable on or through the website, the BKVT vzw/CBTI asbl will make every effort to resolve this issue as soon as possible.

However, the BKVT vzw/CBTI asbl cannot be held liable for direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of information published on this website.

Should you come across any inaccuracies in the information made available on the website, you can send an email to .

The content of the website, including links, may be adapted, modified or completed at all times without prior announcement or notification. The BKVT vzw/CBTI asbl cannot provide any guarantees related to the proper functioning of the website and cannot be held liable in any way for a malfunction or temporary (un)availability of the website or any type of direct or indirect damage resulting from access to or use of the website.

In any case, the BKVT vzw/CBTI asbl cannot be held liable in respect of anyone in a direct or indirect, special or other way for damage due to the use of this or another website, particularly as a result of links or hyperlinks, including, but not limited to, all losses, interruptions of service, damage to programmes or other data on the user’s computer system, devices, software or other items.

The website may contain hyperlinks to websites or pages of third parties, or may indirectly refer to them. Placing links to these websites or pages does not imply an implicit approval of their content in any way.

The BKVT vzw/CBTI asbl explicitly declares that it has no say in the content or other characteristics of these websites and may not in any circumstances be held liable for their content or characteristics or for any other type of damage resulting from their use.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

This website is subject to Belgian law. In case of a dispute, the courts of the judicial district of Brussels have sole jurisdiction.

Privacy Policy 

The BKVT vzw/CBTI asbl processes personal data in compliance with this privacy policy. For further information, requests or remarks about our privacy policy, please send an email to .

Purposes of processing

For the purposes outlined below, the BKVT vzw/CBTI asbl collects and processes the personal data of the following categories of data subject:

  • Members: for member administration such as creating a profile and a membership card, completing an online member database to give members more visibility, invoicing, sending marketing messages and personalised advertisements, communicating market or sector-related information, organising market research, sending invitations for events and training courses organised by the BKVT vzw/CBTI asbl, etc.
  • Suppliers: for orders and the payment of invoices;
  • Candidate members: for the administration of requests to become a member of the organisation;
  • Contacts at universities: to send information about the association and the events it organises with a view to attracting new members;
  • Students: to send information about the association and the events it organises with a view to attracting new members;
  • Employers: for payroll administration and other communication related to social law.

It is possible that these processing purposes and categories of data subject change over time. From time to time, the BKVT vzw/CBTI asbl will adapt this disclaimer to the modified situation. Should you have a specific question about this information, please send an email to .    

Legal basis (bases) for processing

Personal data are processed based on article 6.1. (a) (consent) (b) (necessary for the performance of a contract), (c) (necessary for compliance with a legal obligation) (f) (necessary in order to pursue our legitimate interest of entrepreneurship) of the General Data Protection Regulation.

Provided that processing takes place based on article 6.1 (a) (consent), data subjects always have the right to revoke their consent.

Transfers to third parties

If necessary to achieve one of the envisaged purposes, the data subject’s personal data will be shared with other processors (accountant, web host and server administrator, legal consultant).

The BKVT vzw/CBTI asbl guarantees that these recipients will take the necessary technical and organisational measures to protect the personal data.

Retention period

The personal data will be kept for as long as necessary to pursue the legitimate purpose for which they are processed.

Right of access, rectification, erasure, restriction, objection and data portability

At all times, data subjects have the right to access their personal data and they can rectify it (have it rectified) if it is incorrect or incomplete, have it removed, have its processing restricted and object to the processing of the personal data relating to them based on article 6.1 (e) or (f), including profiling on the basis of these provisions.

Moreover, data subjects have the right to obtain a copy of their personal data (in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format) and to have the personal data forwarded to another company.

In order to exercise the above-mentioned rights, data subjects are requested:

Direct marketing

Data subjects have the right to object free of charge to any processing of their personal data with a view to direct marketing.


Data subjects have the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority (Drukpersstraat/rue de la Presse 35, 1000 Brussels – ) or directly on the website of the Data Protection Authority (

Use of ‘cookies’

When visiting the website cookies may be placed on your computer’s hard disk. A cookie is a text file placed in the browser of your computer or on your mobile device by a website server when you consult a website. Cookies cannot be used to identify persons; a cookie can only identify a machine.