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How Can Intellectual Property Legislation Benefit Translators?

With the support of the European Commission, FIT Europe, the Regional Centre of the International Federation of Translators will be organizing a conference on Intellectual Property in The Hague, Netherlands, on November 23rd 2018. This event will be hosted by the three Benelux Translators’ Associations: NGTV (NL), CBTI-BKVT (BE) & ALTI (LU). Registration is free but mandatory (). See programme below.


9.00-9.30 Welcome addressHugo Keizer (EU), Kevin Quirk (FIT), Annette Schiller (FIT Europe)

9.30-10.15 Keynote: Intellectual Property – A Challenge for TranslatorsHeiki Pisuke (translator – Eur. Comm.)

10.15-10.45 Main legal issues for translatorsInes Duhanic (lawyer)

10.45-11.15 Dutch copyright law for translatorsEvert van Gelderen (lawyer)

11.15-11.45 COFFEE BREAK

11.45-12.15 The Ownership of Translations – An Perspective from the UKJames Ware (lawyer)

12.30-13.45 LUNCH

13.45-14.15 The use of machine translation in patent discoveryLaura Rossi (translation technology expert)

14.15-14.45 EU Copyright Directive and its significance for translatorsMorten Visby (President of CEATL)

14.45-15.15 COFFEE BREAK

15.15-15.45 How collecting societies benefit translatorsGeorge Zannos (IP expert)

15.45-16.15 Collective Management of Audiovisual RightsElin Urkedal (IP expert)

16.30-17.00 Wrap up