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[EN] MemoQ – Advanced Webinar

  • Date: 31 March 2023 09:30 - 31 March 2023 11:30
  • Lieu: Webinar
  • Contact: Valérie Yernault -
  • Catégorie: Training, Training

After a successful “memoQ webinar for beginners” in 2022, here comes a customized memoQ webinar for (more or less) advanced users.

In this webinar, you’ll learn how to unlock your maximum potential by using memoQ translator pro’s functionality.

Let us show you some tips and tricks to help you do your best work as a regular memoQ user.

  • Working with translation memories
    Context/exact matches
    Dealing with duplicates and numbers
    Pre-translation options
  • Working with terminology
    Matching options
    QA check (dealing with false positives)
    RegEx (regular expressions) for manual term checks
    Term extraction
  • memoQ templates
    Pre-setting resources
    Import filter configurations
    Export paths
    Automated actions

Participants will receive a Zoom link a few days before the webinar.

Inscription & payment

To participate, please send an e-mail to Valérie Yernault (<>) with your name and email address.

Price: 10 €