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CBTI/BKVT sponsors “The Value of Language” conference

The Value of Language” (12 June 2014, Brussels) is a one-day conference whose main theme is the value of language: value created by language products, language services, linguistic expertise, linguistic research, etc.

At the conference, selected users demonstrate how they actually use a language service or product and how they thereby create value for themselves, the customer, their organisation, society, etc.

The conference focusses especially on the use of language services and products that improve quality, safety, security and comfort, reduce costs, optimise production processes, reduce the time to market and improve the user’s economic or social position.

The conference includes a plenary debate about how the value of language (products, services, etc.) can be better evaluated, evidenced and delivered to the customer and to society.

To sum up, “The Value of Language” demonstrates how value can be created through the use (and creative forms of reuse, recycling and even atypical use) of language products, services and technology, language-related methods and concepts, insights drawn from (applied) linguistic research, and other intangibles such as deontological codes, quality labels and standards.


Ludovic Pierard, president, CBTI-BKVT
Dries Debackere, De Taalsector

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