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Vade Mecum

The vade mecums are mostly intended for public bodies purchasing translation and/or interpretation services: in these documents highlighting best industry practices, the authors of tender specifications can find guidelines which will lead to good cooperation with the contractor and maximum satisfaction on the part of the contracting authority.


De Taalkundige/Le Linguiste

An informative quarterly journal, in electronic format, for members and subscribers, De Taalkundige / Le Linguiste contains background articles about the translation world, news from abroad, practical information about new dictionaries and translation software, informatics, the Internet, etc. and reports on what’s happening in the Association.

Quid Novi, LinguaJuris?

Annual Reports

The annual report gives an overview of what the CBTI-BKVT has been and is doing and of the events that it organized during the reference year. The report is published before every general meeting (which takes place on the third Saturday of March).

RFA Reports